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Car Injury

Dr. Luis Rivera Allende, Chiropractic Physician, is aware of the impact that a car injury may have on a person. When a car accident occurs, the deafening sound and your sudden awareness of your surroundings can cause you to feel helpless and confused. Often when people have been involved in a car crash, they will experience physical, emotional and even mental trauma.

An example of a car injury would be a “Whiplash” that is caused when the victim’s head is suddenly jolted backward and forward. These injuries can range from mild to severe, however, when they are not properly diagnosed or treated, the results can be long-term with consequences such as disability and significant medical expenses. 

The effects can range from:

  • Pain and stiffness in the neck or shoulders

  • Upper or lower back pain

  • Jaw pain

  • Severe headaches

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Numbness or weakness in the arms or legs

At Allied Health and Injury Centre, we take extra care to car injury’s because the long term effects can have an emotional burden on the patient and family members.

If you have suffered from a car injury, allow us to make an accurate assessment and diagnostic of your condition so that proper treatment can take place.

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